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“Happy Today”
 by The WoWz

good news

Chris Maher - Some Songs! (Tour EP)  ///  November 22, 2006 10:16 PM  ///  dispatch from Chris!

Hey: If its good enough for Europe, its good enough for the USA! This limited edition, 6-song CDR was intended as a 'Tour Only' EP to be sold during Chris' Fall 2006 European Tour. Unfortunately, due to shipping delays, Chris didn't receive these until his tour was almost over. As a result, he's returned home with copies remaining and we've decided to make 'em available here at RiYL on a first-come, first-served basis. Once they're gone, they're gone for good!!

[$5.00 PPD - USA || $8.00 PPD - INTERNATIONAL]

01. mE=mc²
02. Exposing Bone
03. Pretty Smile
04. How to Lie
05. Soft Sewing Strings
06. The Happy Kind

These EPs feature the widely distributed demo of "mE=mc²", two rough mixes of songs from the upcoming album, Epigram on the Death of a Feeling (due out March 20th, 2007) as well as three solo performances of songs that will appear in altered form on Epigram.... Get 'em while they're hot!

[25 hand-numbered copies - all sold in France - were released on home-duplicated CDRs with an alternate cover; This batch was limited to 100 screen-printed CDRs, also hand-numbered.]