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“Happy Today”
 by The WoWz

good news

WHOOPS: 2nd B'DAY SALE AND MORE!  ///  June 01, 2006 06:17 PM  ///  dispatch from Chris!

Oops! We forgot our own birthday! On May 18th, 2006, Recommended If You Like Records officially turned two years old! Aww, isn't that cute?? In lieu of a 2nd Birthday Party (what plans we had!*), we're going celebrate by trying something new: A SALE! For the entire month of June 2006, we're taking $2 off both RiYL-released full-lengths, $1.50 off of RiYL-released EPs (so, uhhh, Mysterious Animals!), and $1 off of the three RiYL-released 7-inches. Awesome!!! Financial imprudence never felt so good.

While you're taking advantage of us, you should support our friends and purchase some of the items we stock in our online distro section, including the recently added U.E.S. Journal, Issue #1, a wonderful zine that our own Rebecca Schiffman has started publishing. This first issue includes an essay by Momus, a Jeff Lewis comic and a whole lot more!

But wait, that's not all! We'll let you in on a little secret: We're helping The WoWz give away their second record, Cool Dump, FOR FREE! That's right! Now you can download Cool Dump in its entirety at the following URL: MEGA WOW(z)!

We thank you for your support over the last two years and hope you'll stick around to see what's yet to come!

RiYL Records

* It was gonna be called "RiYL Records' 2nd Annual 1st Birthday Party"! It was gonna feature ev'ryone! It was gonna be awesome! But we couldn't get it together. Next year, look out for our 1st Annual 3rd Birthday Party. It'll be killer. And keep your eyes peeled for a possible SUMMER SLAM 3 concert sometime in August.